Day 24


  1. Yesterday evening (Aug. 27th), three churches on the same street came together to host a barbecue for an under-served and underprivileged neighborhood in Auburn, Maine. The invitation said "Free BBQ, August 27th, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM, prizes, games for kids, burgers and hot dogs. All free". Over 150 people came.

    The neighborhood is in the city within 5 minutes walking distance from downtown. Brochures and door hangers had been distributed over a 2 week period to all the houses, apartments and businesses in the area. We wanted to meet the people of the neighborhood and ask them what they liked about their neighborhood, what they didn't like and what they'd like to see change. A white board provided them a place to draw or write their thoughts.

    Over 30 volunteers from each church (Episcopal, Congregational and Universalist) grilled, set up, served and made everyone that came feel welcomed. Music blared, kids played with chalk in the parking lot, made hopscotches, wonderful drawings and were entertained with a bubble machine. The best thing is they had a complete meal with seconds and thirds at their hearts delight.

    it all started when we were tired of saying this neighborhood needs fixing. We said it for many years and finally decided to do something about it. Of the three churches, most parishioners do not live in this neighborhood. So why should we care? But when it came time to rounding up people to help, they surprised everyone. They were there with food, muscles and their time and talents. Oh, and monetary donations too.

    Our ministry has just started and we now look forward to where we will go with this. We have met people in need, people willing to help and people who, no matter how bad things are for them, are willing to be there for someone else.

    We look forward to listening to them in the near future to be able to empower them to take hold of their challenged neighborhood and help them create a safe space for their kids and their futures. We know that Jesus walks with us when we are with them. We can see it in their smiles and in their children laughing. May He guide us as we become better neighbors.


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