Evangelism Resources

If you'd like to go deeper, here are a list of resources about the spiritual practice of evangelism and closely related topics:

Evangelism Practices:
Surprise the World! The Five Habits of Highly Missional People by Michael Frost

Evangelism and Churches:
Radical Welcome: Embracing God, The Other, and the Spirit of Transformation by The Rev. Canon Stephanie Spellers
Unbinding the Gospel: Real Life Evangelism by Martha Grace Reese
Practicing Our Slogan by Scott Gunn
Theology of Evangelism:
Evangelism After Christendom: The Theology and Practice of Christian Witness by Brian Stone

Biblical Interpretation and Evangelism: 
Biblical Perspectives on Evangelism: Living in a Three-Storied Universe by Walter Brueggemann
Bible and Mission: Christian Witness in a Postmodern World by Richard Bauckham
A Spirituality of the Road by David J. Bosch
The Mission of God: Unlocking the Bible's Grand Narrative, by Christopher J.H. Wright

Creating Missional Communities:
Call to Commitment by Elizabeth O'Connor
Missional, Monastic, Mainline by Elaine A. Heath and Larry Duggins

Conferences and Communities
++Rowan Williams on Matthew 10

Jesus Movement & Way of Love
Following the Way of Jesus: Church's Teachings for a Changing World Vol. 6, Michael Curry and others
Way of Love Resources


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